Employee Spotlight: Chan Park


Meet Chan Park, an assistant manager at Third Coast. Chan started his career six months ago and has a promising future ahead.

It’s tough to put into words Chan’s importance, but the reason we’re featuring him on our blog this month is to showcase our appreciation for his efforts. Chan has quite the reputation amongst employees who know him as well as among our clients.

Chan has excelled in his position because he’s willing to do what others aren’t. He takes responsibly for his mistakes and learns from them. He puts his people first, and that’s why he’s moved through the program faster than anyone in the last five years!

Chan is very passionate and committed about his job. He comes to work two hours early to help clients and ensure their needs are met.

He leads by example in every area and drives others around him to be better based on his actions.

When we asked him about why he loves working with us, he grinned and said: “I’ve humbled myself so that I’m a great example for others around me.”

Just like Chan, at Third Coast, we take great pride in providing innovative marketing techniques to help meet each client’s unique business needs. We offer job opportunities in direct sales and marketing across AlvinBaytownCypressHoustonHumbleLeague CityPasadenaPearlandSugar LandThe WoodlandsTomball, and the surrounding areas.

The next time you’re looking for a marketing firm in Texas, get in touch with us by clicking here or visit our website.

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